Monday, November 3, 2008

My First Tag! Thanks Jen & Brody!

All About Me

Five things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Taking my drivers test.
2. Playing Soccer.
3. Going to High School.
4. Trying to find my place in the world.
5. Trying to become a better person.

Five things on my to do list today:
1. Cook Dinner
2. Work 10-2
3. Finish updating the blog
4. Play with my daughter
5. FHE

Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Flamin Hot Cheetos
2. Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt
3. Chips & Salsa
4. Cookies!
5. brownies

*Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Get out of debt (inlc. paying off the condo)
2. Put away college & mission savings, set up a retirement package
3. Finally publish my books and patent my inventions
4. Help out my family and those in need.
5. Start up a Shermans Disease research group & Support group for my brother.

*Five places I've lived:
1. Torojone de Ardoz, de Madrid, Espana
2. Salt Lake City, UT
3. Las Vegas, NV
4. Provo, UT
5. Las Vegas, NV again

*Five Jobs I've had:
1. Tanning Salon attendant
2. Foodserver
3. Office Manager for Electrical Subcontractor
4. Modeling/Actress
5. Mommy (my fav)

*8 Things I Did Today
1. Woke up early and went running with my pal Becky.
2. Got my daughter ready to go hang out with Grandma
3. Played with my daughter
4. Checked my planner for the day and week
5. Worked
6. Checked the Pork Chops to see if they were thawed yet!
7. Titied up the home
8. Kissed and hugged my daughter goodbye so I could go to work when I would rather be hanging out with her and grandma.

*8 Shows I Love to Watch:
1. The Office
2. Heros
3. Chuck (love love love this show)
4. One Tree Hill
5. 90210 New One
6. Create Channel (everything cooking, crafts, etc)
7. 30 Rock
8. Rachel Ray

*8 Restaurants I Love:
1. Cafe Rio
2. Macayos
3. Olive Garden
4. Sweet Tomatoes
5. PF Changs
6. Pizza Anywhere
7. Macaroni Grill
8. Bice

*8 Things I am Looking Forward to:
1. Waking up and playing with my family every morning.
2. Getting out of debt
3. Meeting all of my little children waiting to come down from heaven
4. Kissing my hubby when he gets home from work today
5. Brian getting a better job
6. Addisens One Year Birthday this week!
7. Not having to work so I can for reals be a Stay at Home Mom
8. Living a long old life and watching my children grow up and be happy.

*My Wish List
1. I wish there was no such thing as abortion
2. I wish I already had all of my children here with me on earth
3. I wish my brother didn't have Shermans Disease
4. I wish we didn't have debt
5. I wish there was peace
6. I wish everyone would accept the gospel
7. I wish my testimony was stronger right now
8. I wish we were so wealthy that Brian didn't have to work and he could hang out with us everyday.

*8 people I tag:
1. the first person who reads this
2. the second person
3. the third
4. the fourth
5. the fifth
6. the sixth
7. the seventh
8. the eighth

I am... proud to be a mother and a wife everyday
I think... life is too short
I know... nothing, "All I know is that I don't know"-socrates
I want... to never doubt the gospel and know life doesn't end here, not just have faith.
I have... more than I could have ever dreamed of.
I miss... Dawn, and not having to worry about money
I fear... not being able to grow old and watch my family grow old
I hear... too many negative things happening around me, I wish people were more positive
I smell... candles (i'm addicted)
I crave... peace
I cry... when I think about how blessed I am to have my family. I love you Brian & Addisen!
I search... for evidence that God is around me.
I wonder... all the time
I regret... my teenage years
I wish... way too much
I love... My hubby, daughter, and family.
I care... about others, and their happiness, I can't help it, I'm weak.
I always... worry way TOO MUCH!
I worry... way too much
I am not... the perfect mom, wife, or friend, but I try
I remember... when my daughter was born, she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
I believe... we can all become better than who we currently are.
I sing... all the time, I luv it!
I don't always... read my scrips or pray like I should
I argue...about politics (thanks goodness this election is almost over)
I write... in my planner and I love post its
I win... at scrabble when I play Brian most of the time (hey I love words)
I listen... not enough, I want to be more like my daughter, I want to observe the world and people around me more, speak less, and listen more. I think that is my new years resolution. If I listened more maybe I would learn more than the sound of my voice.
I need... to work harder to become better
I forget... how blessed I truly am
I am happy... to be healthy and alive.

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