Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I know I know

Well life has been super super busy. However I have some really cute pictures of Addisen and they will be posted soon. I am working on a new background and family header. I just haven't found one that I love (picky picky picky). Nonetheless we are all doing fine. Sorry Sorry SORRY. We love you all and there are more updates to come, I promise I have not abandoned the blog scene. luvins!


Audrey Taylor said...

Well it's good to hear from you! Tell Addie happy birthday because it's coming up!

Dawn Sims said...

Are you guys going to have a party for Addi? I wish we were able to hang out more while we were in town. Well, we will be in town in Feb. You guys will just have to figure out what date you can go out and get a sitter. So save now so we can go to dinner!! We love yous.

jen and brody said...

So... you should update your blog. And make sure to read ours! I tagged you in my "All About Me" post! Get on it, girl! :o)