Friday, May 30, 2008

My Hubby (what a catch!)

I just wanted to take some blog space to say Happy Birthday Boo! I love you so much and I love growing old with you! I seriously have the most amazing hubby. He is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I know he is my soul mate, and our love was always meant to be. We went to middle school, and high school together, but never dated, we were barely friends. We flirted in High School (I used to grab his bicep and call him popeye), and then at a party which I barely remember now I grabbed his cute baseball player bum, I couldn't help it (he has a cute bum okay too much info I know!). I went to homecoming with his Best Friend Matt Higgi, and thats how we pretty much started talking as friends, then he left, and didn't return back into my life until years later when we saw each other at our singles ward. Brian came up to me and was like hey you are mormon? I was like who is this hottie? (in my head of course). I couldn't remember who he was, but I played it off like I did because you know I wanted to date that! Then he said its me "popeye". After he said that I sort of knew it was him, then he turned around and I saw that cute bum (I know I know too much!) and I knew exactly who he was. After a couple of years of being friends and then dating we got married! Thank goodness, because I really wanted to grab his bum again (okay thats it no more mentioning Brians Assets!). So in tribute to the most amazing man in my life besides the Lord here is a list of what makes my man so incredible! I love you babe! Happy 28!

1.) he has a great sense of humor
2.) his charity
3.) his testimony (so strong)
4.) he is so hot!
5.) he is the best hubby
6.) he is the best babys daddy! he helps out with everything, and he loves too!
7.) he is such a natural when it comes to children
8.) he is a great athlete, (especially baseball)
9.) he is patient with me
10.) he loves to serve the Lord, his family, and friends.
11.) he is so smart, I swear he knows everything, and how to find it.
12.) he is so good to Addie and me.
13.) he is the hardest worker.
14.) he is so loyal and honest.
15.) he knows the gospel so well
16.) he is nice to everyone, even if they aren't very nice to him.
17.) he is thoughtful
18.) he is the best back and head tickler, when I was preggers he would tickle me to help me sleep when I was so uncomfortable.
19.) he always supports me
20.) he has always been a worthy priesthood holder for our family.
21.) he loves the outdoors
22.) he is the most unselfish person I know, besides his mom, and my mom.
23.) he has a great family, that has made me feel like apart of the family since day one.
24.) he doesn't flip out, he is always calm in every situation, even when I am not being my best self.
25.) he is the best friend you could ever have.
26.) he plans for the future (but doesn't go over board)
27.) he likes to surprise me, and when he does it always a great surprise!
28.) Happy B-day Boo!

Yeah 4 1/2 Miles!

First of all sorry that I have been a slacker blogger the past week. I will do better! Now for more important stuff! I finally made it! I am up to 4 1/2 miles running without stopping. I have been training for a 10k the past two months. Before I got pregnant last year I was running 4 1/2 miles a day no prob. I was going to run the Rachel, NV midnight UFO 10k in Aug, but Brian's School Reunion is that weekend so no soup. Nonetheless, I am going to run a 10k in Sept/Oct this year that I am helping out with in our Stake. I am so excited though because my friends and I have been running the past few weeks 4-5 times a week and we are getting faster and more in shape! Yeah Yeah Yeah! Running is the best! The goal is 6.5 miles by beg. of July so we can get faster for the 10k. I know we can do it!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just a Thought...

I went to this special Stake Relief Society program a few weeks ago that was incredible, but left there with an experience I didn't expect to have. First of all there were a ton of sisters there, the stake program was mostly musical pieces (which were gorgeous), and it was so nice to catch up with alot of people from our old ward. However, amongst all of this amazingness something more amazing happened. When we walked into the sacrament room I ran into a new girl from our ward. She is a great and beautiful person, who always seems to be happy. I spotted her, and asked her to come sit with me and my friends. Once we were seated, the program started, and of course Addisen wanted to sit and play on my lap, and not in the car seat,( which I secretly love). Anyways, Addie was being so good and sweet, she could not stop smiling at my new friend in the ward. I have never seen her be so amuzed with someone, but she just loved staring at this girl and smiling. A few minutes later I apologized to her for my daughters infatuation, with staring at her and trying to grab her over and over again. This sweet sister friend just smiled and said, It's okay, I think this is the first time I have smiled all day, today has been really hard. I almost cried when she said this. When I got home that evening while I was putting Addisen to bed, rocking her in my arms, I could not stop thinking about this. Then it became so clear to me. Your children teach you how to be better, even when their vocabulary is bababgagaahgoo. We should be more childlike, that we could look into a strangers face, and if we see pain or distress just smile at them with honest love, until they smile back. Ever since I have been a member of this church I have been trying to let the truth of the gospel help me become a better person, but I always feel like I continue to fall short. Now having Addisen in my life, I realize that I want to work even harder to be a better person, and I want to be the best mom, wife, saint, sibling, daughter, friend, co-worker, and person possible. I never want her to be ashamed of me, I want her know honesty, love, & charity . I love my family so much, and find it hard to believe sometimes the blessings the Lord has given me in this life. Thus, the Lord wants us to raise a family in Zion because if our heart is truly in the right place, we find hidden greatness we never knew we had in us by becoming a mother to a child of God. Just a thought (a very long one)...

Cute Sunday After Church Pictures! I just love her cute baby self!

Addie's First Solids!

Yes, the time has come to feed her solids. Does anyone else feel like Baby Rice Cereal smells like paper mache? Whatever, Addie still loves it like it's candy! As you will see from these pictures. She is so funny.