Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ouchy Vaccine!

Quick funny story. Addisen had to get a vaccine last week, and we usually leave the bandaid on after this particular vaccine, because the injection site usually bleeds, swells, and bruises for about a week afterwards (poor addie). Well anyways she was in her bouncer on the floor while I was doing the dishes, and I looked over to check on her, and she had ripped her bugs bunny bandaid off and was waiving it in the air staring at it intensly. I am surprised she didn't cry because that thing was on there pretty good, and the bandaid left redmarks where she has ripped it off. It is so funny, the things kids do, I was just expecting to look at her and smile finding her playing with her bouncer toys, but nooooo, she wanted to play with her bugs bunny bandaid (which clearly is much more interesting and more fun to play with). Babies are just too adorable! Did I mention I love being a mom???


Burke family said...

Isn't it awesome how much money you spend on toys and things for these little ones, and then you realize they prefer to play with things like spatulas, combs, bandaids, and all sorts of random things they find. :) THey are just so cute and fun though, huh?

taylors said...

so cute! Mason had to get blood drawn and just when they put on his cotton ball and bandage it was off faster then you could blink! :) I love being a mom!

Tiffani said...

Hey Jenn! I'm glad you found our blog. I think about you guys often. Addisen is a cutie. I'm so glad we'll be able to watch her grow!

melissa said...

I found your blog through Becky, hope you don't mind me stopping by. How are you??

Your baby is beautiful, we need to get together and catch up. I can't believe you moved back to Vegas, I have not seen you forever.

Love, Melissa "Lee" Bergquist

Patience said...

OUCH!!! I can't believe that they put shots in little kids thighs. I'm glad that I don't remember those days. I'm such a wimp. But at least she gets a cool new bandaid toy to cheer her up. Cute!

Froska said...

what the?! it's jen and brian! no way jose. well this is jessie smith. i don't know if you remember me but we used to be severe homies. and you guys gots a baby. hey congrats to you both. aren't they rad? well i hope you don't mind me writing a comment but i just wanted to give a shout out. you guys are both some of the raddest people i've ever known. keep in touch.
-the Smith's

Froska said...

i just wanted to say one more thing... "peace outside." no one ever knows what that means, but you do, i know you do.
-the Smith's

Nicole said...

YEAH!!!! Ya'll found each other! I'm so happy! Ok, lunch this week. I'll figure out my sched and let ya know!

It's a Boy!!! said...

I'm demanding an update. Just so you know!